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Where does auxotonic training originate?

In every text that deals with muscular activity and more generally physical activity there is a part dedicated to auxotonic contraction. If it is difficult to define the history of training that exploits this type of contraction, its value and effectiveness in both sports and physiotherapy are generally recognized.

But how could we define auxotonic training?

In summary: Progressive Training.

What characterizes this type of training is in fact the use of rubber bands or elastic cords. So why call it progressive?

Because, due to the elastic, the load to which the muscle is subjected increases as the muscle itself shortens.

The more the elastic will be stretched, the muscle will directly develop greater tension during the effort.

The concentric contraction (often more explosive) will develop the maximum load capacity and muscular endurance; while the eccentric phase (unloading the elastic) must be managed with awareness to avoid a too rapid return, thus avoiding running into the 'spring' effect.



In Spacewheel auxotonic machines the resistance and the load are generated by an elastic cord in pre-tension. The rope, which can have a variable length according to the model and the type of work to be carried out, is positioned inside groups of pulleys that manage its elongation.

Whenever a repetition stretches the rope, the pulleys allow for elastic elongation along its entire length.

The term auxotonic, deriving from auxo (growth) is so defined because the athlete (or the patient) works against the force exerted by the elastic fibers, which progressively increases.

An exercise auxotonico principalemnte takes place during deceleration, taking advantage of the explosiveness of the thrust concentric.   The properties of the platform allow, in addition to emphasizing the concentric phase of the exercise, as with the use of elastic bands, also and above all to avoid the 'spring' rebound of the eccentric phase, a classic defect of training with elastic.



The data collected on auxotonic training were proof that it is a type of preparation that is essential for any athlete.

The problem of the classic exercise with rubber bands remains that of managing the eccentric phase, often too violent and abrupt, especially with high loads.

Furthermore, in the description of any type of elastic, the data reported do not generally correspond to the truth. What differentiates the elastic from any string is the progressive load increase as the tension increases. No standard rubber band on the market is presented with tables that can quantify this increase, a fundamental value for proper planning of the exercise.

Furthermore, the load with which the elastic is usually defined is often confused with the breaking point: a point where the elastic has long since concluded its progressive phase and is subject to an exponential increase in its resistance, in any exploitable way in the realization of an exercise.

What prompted Spacewheel to create the Rush line was the desire to create a machine that can be used both in sports and in rehabilitation, which did not present these serious shortcomings.

Thus was born a tool that allows you to monitor and vary the load, its increase and the space in which it is distributed at any time. In addition to this fundamental aspect, what makes Rush ideal for physiotherapy is the possibility of having a much more delicate and constant stress during the eccentric phase than the elastic, thanks to the work of the pulleys.


In addition to sports practice with SpaceWheel Rush it is possible to integrate auxotonic training in the rehabilitation field in a complete and efficient way.

Our technology allows to develop during the concentric contraction that (and above all) to better manage the stresses of the eccentric one.

These aspects make Rush a useful tool for injury prevention and functional re-education.

Furthermore, the use of SpaceWheel Rush allows to obtain early structural (muscular hypertrophy) and neuromuscular adaptations compared to a traditional training with elastic bands, thanks to the possibility of controlling, managing and modulating the intensity of the load throughout the entire period of the exercise.

Scientific research shows how this technology can be successfully applied, for example, in functional recovery after ligament reconstruction or other injuries and in the presence of muscle-tendon pathologies generated by muscle imbalances.


The versatility of the system allows SpaceWheel Rush:

  • perform a movement not bound to planes or axes of rotation, to favor functional control and stabilization of the movement;

  • gradually program the rehabilitation process to bring the patient closer to the specific gesture in total safety, thanks to the action of the pulleys in the eccentric phase;

  • manage the load using the rope adjustments, pulley returns and choosing the type of elastic to apply;

  • modulate muscular effort to train even maximum power or emphasize executive speed;

  • through the load tables monitor the workloads in relation to the distance from the machine.


Spacewheel Rush, a single tool for any use.


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