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The Spacewheel pulleys are designed to move the reference point at different heights, so as to make your training even more versatile and complete.

Palo Isoinerziale.png
Carrucola Rush.png

Spacebar with mobile transmission


The bar can be wall-mounted

and features ten levels of adjustment.


The transmission is easily adjustable thanks to a spring system that blocks the carriage at the desired height.


It is produced in two versions, with pulley for isoinertial machinery, without pulley for auxotonic machinery


Single pulley


Support with single pulley that can be installed on the wall.


Designed for those who do not have the possibility to install Spacebar or do not need to have a mobile redirect point.


Pulley band


Pulley with adjustable band


Designed for those who own an espalier or a castle .


It also guarantees the possibility of postponing one's work point wherever there is stable support.

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