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Medical               marking


As evidence of the value of inertial training, all the machines in the Dynamic and Infinity lines have been recognized as a medical device.

This element is tangible proof of the effectiveness of this type of movement and the extraordinary functionality of our products, which are already present in numerous physiotherapy studios and several universities in Italy and around the world.



The CE mark has the literal meaning of European Conformity and in concrete terms it is the graphic demonstration that the product to which it is applied complies with the regulations in force within the European Community and which govern the production and placing on the market of that product. .


SpaceWheel inertial equipment has a European CE marking certificate as a medical device and has been built in accordance with the following directives and standards:


• Regulation (EU) no. 745/2017 Regulation on medical devices, amending directive 2001/83 / EC, regulation (EC) no. 178/2002 and Regulation (EC) No. 1223/2009 and repealing Council Directives 90/385 / EEC and 93/42 / EEC


• IEC 61882: 2016 standard risk analysis method according to the HAZOP method


• UNI CEI EN 980: 2009 Graphic symbols used for the labeling of medical devices


• UNI CEI EN ISO 15223-1: 2012 Symbols to be used in the labels of medical devices, labeling and information to be provided - Part 1: General requirements


• UNI CEI EN 1041: 2009 Information provided by the Manufacturer with medical devices


• UNI CEI EN 14971: 2012 Application of risk management to medical devices


• Dir. 93/42 / CEE, DL 24/02/97 n. 46, Legislative Decree 25/02/98 n. 95 Council Directive relating to medical devices - Implementation of Directive 93/42 / EEC relating to medical devices. Amendments to the legislative decree 24 February 1997 n. 46 (which will coexist with the new regulation until 2020)


• Dir. 2007/47 / CEE DL 25/01/10 n. 37 Council Directive relating to medical devices Implementation of Directive 93/42 / EEC relating to medical devices. (which will coexist with the new regulation until 2020) • Directive 2006/42 / EC known as the "Machinery Directive". And therefore it complies with the directives and regulations in force. This declaration of conformity is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.



To download the declaration of conformity click here:

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